When I close my eyes I can go anywhere.
Teleportation is real, I wouldn’t lie I swear.
I shut my lids, then like magic
I’m in your room, my ass is bare.
My dick is out, but you’re not there.
I do what anyone would do-
What they’d want to, but wouldn’t dare:
I dance naked on your bed
Then try on your underwear,
Then I tear it off!
Clothes are for squares.
I smash all the mirrors
So that only I can meet your stare.
Then I carve a little message,
Signed with blood, because I care.
It isn’t mine, I killed your dog
Because I don’t like to share.
To show my devotion I lift my leg
And urinate, to mark my lair.
I picture your face
Sparkling with steaming hot piss.
Then I disappear without a trace,
But even though we’ve yet to meet,
By now, you know
You belong to me.